Online Tax System in Bangladesh: A Step Towards Digitalization Bangladesh is rapidly moving towards digitalization in v…
Individuals Required to File Mandatory Income Tax Returns in Bangladesh Understanding Tax Filing Obligations In Ba…
VAT is paid by – In case of import- the importer. In case of taxable supply in Bangladesh- the supplier. In case of s…
Who pays VAT? The procedure of Value Added Tax or VAT is an automatic taxing procedure based on input tax credit agains…
Double taxation can take different forms and occur in different situations. Sometimes double taxation is distinguishe…
Double tax conventions are an established way for States to agree at the international level on a method for reducing…
Income itself does not have a geographical location. It is a quantity, calculated by adding and subtracting various oth…
Tax Heaven A country is usually an offshore country that gives foreign individuals and businesses little or no liabil…
The Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) is a tax agreement signed between two (bilateral) or more (trilate…
Industrial Undertaking Eligible for Tax Holiday: 1. active pharmaceuticals ingredient industry and radiopharmaceuticals…
What is e-TIN? E-TIN stands for Electronic Tax Identification Number, a modernized version of income tax registration…
Md. Fazla Rabbe Sarder is a highly qualified and experienced income tax consultant in Bangladesh. He holds a Master'…
In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward digitization and automation of tax collection systems. With …
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is known for its hot and humid weather conditions throughout the year. The hig…
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