Tax Evasion by NGOs in Bangladesh Tax evasion is a significant problem in Bangladesh, and NGOs are not exempt. While ma…
Individuals Required to File Mandatory Income Tax Returns in Bangladesh Understanding Tax Filing Obligations In Ba…
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) in Bangladesh has recently taken a sig nificant action by freezing the bank account…
Short Description of VAT in Bangladesh Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the most important sources of tax revenue in Ban…
Introduction In recent years, Bangladesh has made significant strides in modernizing its tax system, and one of the not…
The Income Tax Act 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") marks a significant development in the field…
A businessman’s legal validity of business is established through the BIN. You can avail the following advantages: Al…
Business Identification Number is the business identification number taken by an individual on the basis of turnover …
Who pays VAT? The procedure of Value Added Tax or VAT is an automatic taxing procedure based on input tax credit agains…
Double taxation can take different forms and occur in different situations. Sometimes double taxation is distinguishe…
What are the differences between provisions in the old and the new law in respect of… The differences between provisi…
The Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) is a tax agreement signed between two (bilateral) or more (trilate…
Industrial Undertaking Eligible for Tax Holiday: 1. active pharmaceuticals ingredient industry and radiopharmaceuticals…
What is e-TIN? E-TIN stands for Electronic Tax Identification Number, a modernized version of income tax registration…
In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward digitization and automation of tax collection systems. With …
Taxation system of Bangladesh is an important aspect of the nation’s economic and fiscal policies. It is an integral pa…
In Bangladesh to increase Tax Revenue other than Non-Tax Revenue it needs to be automated and fully digitalized because…
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